Lebesgue Review – The Good and Bad for 2023



There’s no denying that data is driving our world and the businesses in it more than ever before—and if you own a Shopify or WooCommerce business, well, then you know that collecting and interpreting data is paramount for moving your company in the right direction.

But gathering and viewing your data is one thing. There are many tools out there to help you with that. It’s knowing what to do with this data that separates you from the pack.

Thus, having an app that integrates into your online store, polishes your data into digestible elements, and gives you truly actionable insights for your business would be a game changer, right?

We think so, and we just might have found the app to do it: Lebesgue.

Lebesgue makes it easy to monitor your ad campaigns, tell you what mistakes you are making and how you can improve your marketing efforts—and it even has an AI copywriter that can actually do some of the work for you. We decided to take a closer look to see if it’s all that it’s cracked up to be.

Lebesgue logo for Crazy Egg Lebesgue review.

Lebesgue: The Good and the Bad

Although the name might conjure up a history of mathematicians, Lebesgue.io is much more than that. The smart marketing app pulls objective data from real-life ecommerce stores and gives you practical information so you can tell what’s going right and what you need to fix.

It currently integrates with Shopify, WooCommerce, Facebook Ads with Instagram included, Google Ads with YouTube included, and more.

For what it is, there’s not much to dislike about Lebesgue. With tools for advertising audits, competitor analysis, market intelligence, and lifetime value analysis, the app offers a ton of insight to help improve your marketing performance.

It also does a good job of making it seem like the only way to know if it’ll work for you is to give it a try.

What Lebesgue Is Good At

Makes sense of the numbers: You can have all the data you need for building a marketing strategy, but it means nothing unless you put it to good use. Lebesgue, however, tracks tons of metrics and draws conclusions for you, so you can take actionable steps according to relevant insights.

The user dashboard also makes it easy to see your daily ad performance and campaign ad details no matter if you’re running ads on Facebook, Google, TikTok, Pinterest, or Microsoft.

You don’t have to be a data analyst to benefit either, because Lebesgue acts as a consultant to organize and arrange the data you need to drive your business forward—it even leverages AI data analysis to help you create the perfect marketing strategy.

We appreciated that the Lebesgue app is available for both Shopify and WooCommerce. There’s quite a few apps that are only available for one or the other, so it is refreshing to see that it doesn’t matter which of these platforms you choose for hosting your store, you can still take advantage of Lebesgue.

Business report page.

AI copy for Facebook: One of Lebesgue’s flagship tools is its AI copy creator. Specifically for Facebook campaigns, this automates the ad writing process by pooling together market trends, what your top competitors are currently doing, and the campaigns that have worked best for you historically.

This tool can not only help you save time, but it can also help you improve as a marketer because of the best practices you’ll pick up along the way. It’ll even mimic your brand’s voice so there’s no need to worry about sounding like everybody else.

Keep in mind that you’ll have to upgrade to the highest paid plan to use the AI copywriting feature, however it just might be worth it.

AI copywriter interface displayed on a laptop.

Competitor tracking: Lebesgue’s competitor analysis lets you keep tabs on the competition’s paid advertising activity. You can see the relative size of your competitors, their social media follower counts, and how fast they’re growing.

Depending on the plan you choose, you’ll be able to view the actual creatives your competitors are using plus a full history of every ad they’ve ever run. This gives you a clear idea of their paid traffic strategies so that you can either compete with them better or steer yourself in clever new directions.

Lebesgue allows you to monitor three of your top competitors on social networks like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.

For example, the analysis collects data on their Facebook strategy and informs you of their ad posting frequency, while also identifying their underperforming content. By examining which new ads they are running, how many new ads they launch over time, and even how many ads they are turning off, you’ll be able to make an apples-to-apples comparison with your own strategy.

Additionally, the Google Ads analysis is able to identify which of your competitors are bidding on the same keywords as you, and this helps you glean insights to improve your own search-related campaigns.

With this level of competitor intelligence, Lebesgue keeps you abreast of the latest opportunities for keeping up and gaining an edge. In fast-moving industries, visibility like this can be invaluable.

Competitor landscape dashboard view.

Advertising audit: Lebesgue’s audit feature helps you uncover crucial setup errors and get actionable insights on how to fix them. It evaluates your current ad account setups, automatically analyzing performance and discovering critical mistakes that hamper your campaigns.

Just connect Lebesgue to your Google, Facebook, or Instagram ads to let it diagnose issues that seriously impact strategic growth. It scans your accounts to identify problems like improper conversion setups, poor quality score keywords, low relevance scores, and more.

You’ll get a full report showing exactly where your ad accounts need improvement. Lebesgue outlines what changes should be made and how to implement them so your Google and Facebook campaigns can achieve maximum performance.

For example, it may discover that your Facebook conversion tracking isn’t properly configured to capture all sales activity, or that your Google text ads have low quality scores due to irrelevant copy. The audit provides specific fixes to address these kinds of problems.

Lebesgue makes it easy to spot and correct the crucial ad account errors that damage results. The advertising audit gives you a blueprint to optimize setups and eliminate mistakes holding you back from the best campaign performance possible.

Advertising audit screen in Lebesgue interface.

Industry benchmarking: Lebesgue makes it easy to understand how your metrics like click-through rate, conversion rate, and cost per acquisition stack up against your competitors. This helps you discover the strengths of your operations as well as your biggest areas for improvement, all in a single platform.

As you run campaigns, you’ll be able to pinpoint areas with the most room for immediate impact with respect to your customer acquisition cost and return on investment. This helps you make data-driven pivots so you can double down on your best-performing initiatives.

Lebesgue also has predictive modeling that forecasts future performance. This allows you to stay ahead of seasonal trends and fluctuations to reduce your cost per click on your Google campaigns and cost per 1,000 impressions on your Facebook campaigns.

By offering cross-channel data compared against real industry benchmarks like this, Lebesgue’s market intelligence tool gives you a smart way to make even smarter decisions.

Benchmarks screen displayed on a laptop.

LTV analysis: Lebesgue’s lifetime value analysis gives you a 360-degree breakdown of your ecommerce business by providing in-depth retention analysis, cohort tracking, and revenue forecasting. It measures your customer lifetime value for every marketing channel so you can react accordingly and optimize for growth.

The LTV analysis dashboard allows you to examine different time frames, revenue groups, revenue over time, repeat revenue, user cohort stats, and average lifetime value.

To get more precise insights, you can even filter or segment the data as you see fit—such as by state to see your most profitable regions. You can then target those specific regions and increase the return on your ad spend.

With the ability to compare customer cohorts that contribute to your monthly profits, Lebesgue enables you to identify cheaper acquisition channels and forecast future earnings accurately based on historical data instead of guesswork.

Lifetime value screen in Lebesgue interface.

Solid UI and UX: We really enjoyed the simplicity of Lebesgue’s user interface. It is very easy to navigate, making for a smooth and pleasant user experience.

Lebesgue’s clean and intuitive UI lets you measure customer lifetime value, track business metrics, and forecast future results all in one centralized app. The sidebar makes it incredibly easy to switch between tools and ad segments, in addition to accessing your analytics.

The initial setup to connect your Facebook, Google, and TikTok accounts can be completed in under five minutes. The dozens of different metrics displayed in your reports page are also customizable, so you can add or remove the data most relevant to you.

Select metrics popup with many metrics to choose from.

Another great feature is how in-app video tutorials are integrated right into the dashboard to explain specific features—a floating UI window opens up and thoughtfully demonstrates the page you’re on. This kind of creativity and ingenuity enhances the user experience.

Advertising audit popup with a video.

Helpful resources: Lebesgue’s blog is packed with insightful reads to help you stay on top of the latest industry trends. You’ll find interesting articles such as, “How AI is Changing eCommerce Marketing,” and an encouraging story about how a client increased her profits by $100,000 per month.

While it doesn’t have the most consistent uploads, Lebesgue’s YouTube page has numerous short and informative videos detailing specific tools and features. It’s a great starting point to get familiar with the platform’s capabilities.

Lebesgue also hosts occasional webinars on the latest industry trends, market insights, and digital marketing best practices—there were three in 2021, one in 2022, and one so far in 2023. These can be viewed live or on-demand.

The app’s website is also home to a community that allows users to ask questions and get detailed answers from the Lebesgue team. There are sections for marketing, conversion tracking, and data analysis questions.

With a content-rich blog, helpful videos, and an engaged community, Lebesgue provides ecommerce businesses with an array of resources to reinvent their marketing strategies over and over.

Featured posts page with various options shown.

Top-notch support: Although we had to wait until after the weekend for a reply, Lebesgue’s support team was incredibly kind and thorough in responding to our questions.

We aren’t the only ones raving about the team’s stellar support either. Reviews universally praise Lebesgue’s helpful and knowledgeable staff for answering questions, solving UI issues, and even providing free personalized analysis and tips at times.

In today’s world, a company’s support team can make or break the decision between signing up for a product or looking elsewhere. Lebesgue clearly understands this, given the consistently glowing reviews of its responsive, patient, and knowledgeable support staff.

It’s clear Lebesgue invests heavily in support and customer satisfaction. Its top-notch team goes above and beyond to help users get the most value out of the product.

Lebesgue’s Potential Drawbacks

Slow feature rollout: Currently, Lebesgue lacks team access that would allow for multiple user levels and permissions. According to some users, the ability to collaborate and share insights across a team could significantly improve the app’s usefulness.

Some other users have also noted that Lebesgue’s functionality with WooCommerce seems to lag behind that of Shopify, which appears to be the app’s primary development focus. While that’s fine, expanding the app’s capabilities to more ecommerce platforms, as well as adding new ad platform integrations such as Snapchat and LinkedIn, could attract more users.

That said, Lebesgue deserves credit for its transparency over its planned developmental roadmap. This allows both customers and free users to see what features the app has recently shipped, is currently working on, and is considering for the future.

Though not at the development stage quite yet, one of those features is a universal dashboard login—and you’ll also find Snapchat and LinkedIn ads in there somewhere as well. It’s not clear how long it’ll take for those integrations to come to fruition, however.

Lebesgue integration options.

No customer support on weekends: If you need an urgent response from Lebesgue’s customer service team, be aware that you may have to wait until regular business hours.

We reached out with an inquiry on a weekend and waited many hours with no sign of a reply. Lebesgue claims to respond in just a few minutes, but this seems to be limited to weekdays only.

This lack of a safety net could be a drawback for some merchants. For ecommerce businesses in particular, weekends tend to be important sales windows—so even just providing limited weekend coverage for critical issues could be beneficial.

By all accounts, Lebesgue’s customer service is quite responsive during the workweek. However, the lack of any weekend support is something potential users should be aware of in case urgent situations arise.

Screenshot of chat with Lebesgue support team.

Annoying pop-ups: The repetitive modal pop-up window on Lebesgue’s site was bothersome for us. In our experience, it promoted an AppSumo deal, but the real issue was that it showed up pretty much every single time we navigated to a new page.

This “We’re live on AppSumo!” pop-up’s persistent reappearance felt spammy—and if it discouraged us from browsing the site, then there’s a decent chance it’ll discourage other visitors as well.

While the intent is understandable, the sheer number of times that you need to click through the pop-up is enough to induce so-called “banner blindness,” and that makes for a less-than-pleasant user experience.

If it were up to us, Lebesgue would dial back the frequency of this pop-up so that it’s less disruptive. The good news is, it doesn’t have much to do with the product.

Popup to advertise deal with AppSumo.

Confusing pricing: Lebesgue’s pricing presents some confusion, as the plans and rates listed on its website differ from what you see in the app and on the Shopify app store.

Specifically, the website lists the Advanced plan at $59 per month if you pay monthly, and $149 for the Ultimate plan on the same schedule. However, after signing up for a trial account, the pricing shown within the Lebesgue app itself was significantly lower.

Within the Lebesgue app, the same plans were listed for $19 per month and $79 per month, respectively.

Lebesgue monthly plans with three options.
Lebesgue yearly plans with three options.

We were surprised to see such a drastic discrepancy between the public pricing page and the actual app pricing. The in-app pricing was 60-70% lower than what the website indicated for those same plans.

Upon contacting Lebesgue’s customer support for clarification, they explained that they offer discounted pricing for smaller stores directly in the app, but this is not clearly explained on their website pricing page.

This was confusing, since the website did not mention anything about store sizes. You will, however, find this differentiation on the Shopify app store, though it isn’t exactly clear what counts as a small or large store.

Shopify app store pricing.

Lebesgue Plans and Pricing

After digging around for a while, we were still a bit unclear on the pricing of each plan, so we reached out for help.

Email with customer support about pricing of plans.

As it turns out—at least according to the representative that emailed us back—Lebesgue has reduced its pricing for the Ultimate plan, and it acknowledges that it does not promulgate its Advanced plan’s lower pricing for smaller stores. You’ll have to sign up or reach out to the support team to find out what exactly constitutes a smaller store. As far as we can tell it has to do with your total order numbers.

Messenger response from Lebesgue to clarify pricing of plans.

Free Plan

Lebesgue’s free plan provides an entry-level overview of key store metrics for small and medium ecommerce businesses to monitor performance at zero cost, though you can also opt for a free trial of the Advanced and Ultimate plans for 14 days if you wish.

The free version includes access to your full order history so you can analyze sales trends over time. It also tracks first-time versus repeat customer order data to assess loyalty and retention.

For profitability metrics, Lebesgue’s free plan incorporates the costs of sold goods and profit tracking. This helps understand your true net margins on products.

The free version also allows you to connect advertising accounts from Facebook, Google, TikTok, Pinterest, and Microsoft Ads. You can view basic aggregated costs for monitoring spend on these.

While you don’t get custom reports or as many advanced analytics with the free plan, it does provide a weekly overview of your store’s performance—and your data can be exported for further analysis.

Lebesgue’s free plan offers email-based customer support, which provides assistance for new users on how to get set up and take advantage of the platform’s features within the limitations of the tier.

With a 14-day free trial and no credit card required, Lebesgue gives small business owners access to core insights and necessary tools to determine if a paid plan is warranted.

Advanced Plan

Lebesgue’s Advanced plan provides growing ecommerce stores with key analytics and insights to optimize advertising and increase customer loyalty. For larger stores, it’s priced at $59 per month or $490 annually, working out to $40 per month with yearly billing. Smaller stores can access discounted pricing of $19 per month or $13 per month when paid annually.

Building on the free plan’s core offering, the Advanced plan unlocks more detailed segmentation across multiple dimensions like products, discounts, marketing channels, and geolocation. You can also analyze performance by cohort over weekly, monthly, and quarterly periods.

The Advanced plan offers an in-depth view into your advertising results with benchmarks for comparison. You can assess the return on your marketing investment with per-channel revenue and order data, and you can utilize predictive Facebook CPM forecasts to estimate future costs.

For understanding customer loyalty metrics, the plan provides customer lifetime value analysis and predicts churn rates. You can see your retention rates broken down by various factors to identify areas for improvement, and revenue forecasting helps you predict future growth

The list goes on and on here. With the Advanced plan, you can monitor landing page performance to optimize your funnel, and you can even review market and/or vertical-specific benchmarks to know where your store stands among your competitors.

If you’re a larger store, the Advanced plan grants you 24/7 support with live chat assistance. This provides quick access to customer service reps for help interpreting the platform’s insights.

With its advertising optimization tips, predictive modeling, and insightful benchmarking, Lebesgue’s Advanced plan takes the guesswork out of data analysis for fast-scaling ecommerce stores.

Ultimate Plan

Lebesgue’s Ultimate plan provides additional features and competitive intelligence tools for large ecommerce stores seeking to beat their rivals and stay ahead of market trends.

The price for this plan is $79 per month or $660 if you pay annually, which works out to $55 per month when paying for the year upfront—regardless of the size of your store or your number of orders.

In addition to all of the Advanced plan features, Lebesgue’s Ultimate plan adds powerful competition tracking. You can monitor up to three competing stores of your choice across metrics like social followers, Facebook ads, keywords, brand awareness, ad frequency, and more.

The Ultimate plan also includes an AI copywriting assistant that can automatically generate new ad copy or optimize existing ads to boost performance. You can have it iterate on custom copy for newer iterations or you can have it create fresh text from scratch tailored to your products and promotions.

For predictive modeling, Ultimate provides 60-day forecasts for Facebook ad costs, helping you plan future budgets and strategy accordingly.

Armed with premium tools, AI-powered automations, and expert-level customer service, Lebesgue’s Ultimate plan aims to give high-volume merchants every possible chance to gain a leg up on their peers.

Final Thoughts

Overall, Lebesgue offers an impressive array of marketing analytics and optimization tools for ecommerce businesses looking to make data-driven decisions. The platform harmonizes key metrics, benchmarks, competitor intelligence, and predictive modeling into an intuitive UI that delivers actionable insights.

For stores that are looking to put data at the forefront of their marketing strategy, as well as those that lack the time or expertise to take advantage of analytics, Lebesgue fills an important gap.

We would recommend Lebesgue for small to medium Shopify and WooCommerce merchants looking to leverage market research, competitive analysis, and AI-enabled tools to analyze data and provide actionable insights to make their businesses more profitable—and if we knew what Lebesgue considers to be a large store, we might recommend it for those, too!


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