Luigi’s Box Review – The Good and Bad for 2023



Running an ecommerce business, you simply need your website’s search experience to work. If customers can’t quickly find the products they want, they’ll make smaller orders or leave your site for a competitor—leaving you with high bounce rates and less revenue.

Fortunately, Luigi’s Box provides a solution. In this in-depth review, we’ll cover what Luigi’s Box does well, what it could improve on, and which pricing plan is best for your business.

Luigi's Box logo for Crazy Egg Luigi's Box review.

Luigi’s Box: The Good and the Bad

There’s no shortage of powerful search tools available today. Each one prioritizes different things, from search algorithms to integrations to reporting capabilities. Luigi’s Box is no different.

Overall, Luigi’s Box has many positive features including its intuitive interface and responsive customer support. It also has a few critical shortcomings.

What Luigi’s Box Is Good At

Easy to install and use: From start to finish, it took no more than an hour—even without an IT department’s help—to get Luigi’s Box up and running. The self-service integration requires absolutely no coding on your end.

Once it’s installed, you can start fine-tuning your site’s search functionality to maximize conversions and sales. The dashboard layout is clean and uncluttered and key settings and options are obvious at a glance, letting you optimize search best practices without feeling lost.

Luigi’s Box removes every obstacle standing between you and elevated site search. The frictionless installation takes no specialized skill or help, and the admin dashboard is a model of clarity and ease-of-use.

Personalized product recommender: Luigi’s Box allows you to place personalized product recommendation boxes anywhere on your site, wherever they fit into your customers’ shopping journey.

As shoppers browse products or view their cart, AI-powered recommendation boxes point them to best sellers they may have missed, products that are almost sold out, items currently on sale, or products that complement what they’ve already selected or put in their cart.

This feature feels like a sales associate is there with you. It’s as if the site itself says “I see you purchased this earlier. Here are some other products I know you’ll love.”

Recommended products page for a shoe in Luigi's Box interface.

This personalization keeps customers engaged, nudges them to purchase more, and results in increased average order values. And they work! Retailers consistently see as much as a 50% increase in revenue per visitor after implementing Luigi’s Box.

Multiplatform analytics: The dashboard on the free analytics demo neatly organizes metrics like queries, clicks, add to carts, and sales in a way that makes it easy to spot trends.

An analytics example on Luigi's Box's website showing metrics for converted customers.

With Luigi’s Box, you can accurately measure search engagement by tracking metrics like clicks, conversions, and sales. See which search queries are driving the most revenue, and double down on optimizations for those keywords. Identify terms that get clicks but no sales, then improve their relevance.

Get alerts when there are spikes in no result searches, or see individual product performance to find those with lagging sales that need promotional help. Test new features before they go live.

Luigi’s Box also enables online and offline A/B testing, which seriously impressed us. You can rapidly test variations of search algorithms, query suggestions, and result page layouts directly on your live site. And you can conduct controlled lab tests by bringing in real users to provide feedback on potential search enhancements.

Advanced product listing and ranking: With Luigi’s Box, you can automatically rank products on your site by relevance, characteristics, popularity, or through its proprietary algorithm that utilizes machine learning. This allows you to showcase your inventory so shoppers can quickly find the exact product they need.

The advanced merchandising features allow you to create targeted product banners and special promotions to direct customers toward specific items or categories. No more frustrating searches or blind browsing of your catalog.

Product listing page for a t-shirt with size options shown.

You also get dynamic filtering options that can be customized for each product category. This allows your customers to refine their searches based on characteristics like size, color, price range, and brand.

Customers will appreciate how easy it is to discover relevant products. That’s why we enthusiastically recommend Luigi’s Box to fellow retailers looking to optimize online product findability.

Autocomplete search powered by AI: Searching for products online can be a struggle, especially with typos derailing your search, irrelevant results popping up everywhere, or the right keywords being absent altogether. What if your search engine could read your mind and immediately understand your intent?

With Luigi’s Box, it can. Its smart search capabilities powered by AI provide personalized autocomplete suggestions based on your unique preferences and profile. It predicts what you want faster than you can request it, practically finishing your sentences regardless of typos, alternate phrasing, or grammatical errors.

Autocomplete search example for a shoe with options for other shoe types autofilled.

Luigi’s Box helps you capitalize on those moments when customers want to make a purchase but abandon their search if frustrated.

You can highlight your newest arrivals, best-sellers, or anything else you want to promote with this tool. It entices customers to keep browsing your selection, as if you had your best sales associate ready the moment each visitor lands on your site.

Good customer support: Luigi’s Box offers multiple tiers of customer care. For basic plans, you can access prompt email support. Upgrading to premium packages makes you eligible for VIP phone assistance for real-time support.

Enterprise ecommerce clients get white-glove customer service with dedicated account management and on-call emergency support. Their customer care team gets to know your business inside and out.

In our experience using Luigi’s Box day to day, we’ve always found their customer support to be responsive, empathetic, and effective. They take pride in helping retailers fully leverage the platform to sell more. You’re never left hanging when questions come up.

Luigi’s Box’s Potential Drawbacks

Lack of robust documentation: After reviewing the documents and materials provided by Luigi’s Box, we found the instructions to be sparse on technical details.

For instance, the setup guide gives a broad overview of how to link Luigi’s Box to your storefront. But it lacks the code snippets and configuration settings needed to get it up and running.

When it comes to customizing the look and feel of Luigi’s Box for your brand, the docs only touch on the most basic styling options. Adjusting fonts, colors, and layouts beyond the bare minimum wasn’t covered.

We also struggled to fully use Luigi’s Box’s features due to the lack of practical use cases in the documentation. While the feature list describes the platform’s capabilities at a high-level, it’s light on specifics for daily usage. There are no tutorials showing how to create promotional boxes, configure subscription options, or analyze box performance.

Limited amount of integrations: While Luigi’s Box does integrate with some of the main ecommerce platforms like Shopify, Shoptet, and WooCommerce, there are only 16 total integrations available.

Without access to a broader range of integrations for marketing, analytics, order processing, or inventory management, you can end up with a fragmented system that doesn’t allow different platforms to communicate with each other.

Integration options shown with descriptions of each, with brands that include Commercetools, Volusion, Shopify, and Salesforce Commerce Cloud.

For Advanced and Enterprise customers however, Luigi’s Box does provide custom integrations. So if there’s a specific platform you need them to connect with that’s not on their list, they can potentially develop a custom integration for you. If you’re on a Basic or Starter plan, you’re out of luck.

With more integrations, it would be easier to connect the platforms you rely on to run your online store. This leads to greater efficiency, better data analysis, smoother order processing, and a more tightly integrated ecommerce ecosystem.

Lack of Non-European language support: We’ve found that while it excels at supporting European languages, Luigi’s Box falls behind when it comes to Asian and Middle Eastern languages. It currently supports over 20 languages, yet not Chinese, Japanese, Korean, or Arabic.

Without native language support, retailers in many parts of Asia and the Middle East will face barriers engaging with their target market. After all, product listings lose nuance when translated by machines.

For such retailers, the lack of languages integral to their customer base restricts Luigi’s Box’s utility as a true cross-border solution.

Luigi’s Box Plans and Pricing

The best part about Luigi’s Box pricing layout is that, no matter which plan you choose, you’ll have access to all of the tool’s great features. The only real difference comes down to how much support and customization you desire.

Luigi's Box pricing and plan options with three shown: Self-service, Advanced, and Enterprise.

Custom Plan

This plan is a great option to consider for your ecommerce platform or online retail store because the software usage and features are tailored to your individual site traffic and requirements. If you want one-on-one support, tailored integrations, and a plan that grows with your business, the custom option is worth exploring.

The first step is to fill out an information form about your business, providing your name, phone number, website URL, online store platform, product types, order volume, traffic metrics, and more.

Next, you’ll have a consultation call with a Luigi’s Box expert. You talk through your goals, challenges, and vision for your ecommerce site. Then the Luigi’s Box team will put together a fully customized plan that outlines the specific features, integrations, and level of support that fits your online retail store’s unique needs.

If you have niche requirements like a high volume of global orders or a complex fulfillment operation, the custom plan can accommodate that. If your needs evolve over time, the plan can be adjusted.

Self-service Plan

If you’re just starting out or have a smaller online store, try the Self-service plan. It gives you access to the core features of Luigi’s Box starting at 79€ ($83.03 as of this writing) to help you manage your inventory and orders.

A key benefit is the self-service integration. This allows you to connect Luigi’s Box to your ecommerce platform or other systems through the product’s API or an external plugin. You can automatically sync product data, orders, and other information between systems.

You’ll get up to 20,000 usage units per month. The number of units depends on your specific usage across various features like orders, products, and integrations. Most smaller merchants find this unit allowance sufficient, but the self-service plan can support you up to 500,000 units per month before you’d need to upgrade.

While not as hands-on as higher tier plans, email support is included if you need help setting up or troubleshooting. You also get a 30-day free trial to test Luigi’s Box and experience the setup, features, and integration to see if it’s the right solution for you.

Advanced Plan

Starting at just 299€ ($314.23 as of this writing) per month based on your usage, the Advanced plan gives you 75,000 units with the ability to scale up to 500,000 units per month as your sales expand.

With this plan, you’re not just getting software—you’re getting a team of ecommerce specialists. They’ll work closely with you to customize and tailor Luigi’s Box to your needs and integrate your store with other platforms. You also have direct access to email and phone support. Want to design a custom theme that reflects your brand? They’ll help with that too.

The Advanced Luigi’s Box plan is the ideal choice for medium-sized online retailers who want to propel their business to the next level with a platform that can scale along with their growth.

Enterprise Plan

Starting at 999€ ($1049.90) per month with customizable pricing, the Enterprise plan is built for massive product inventories, giving you unlimited units.

The premium add-ons are what set Enterprise apart. Enjoy seamless custom integration with your other systems. Work with their design team on a custom site tailored to your brand. Request special features to match your business needs. Get hands-on support from a personal customer success manager, who’s always available to help you optimize your store.

With the Enterprise plan, you harness the full capabilities of Luigi’s Box. The level of service and capabilities are unmatched—perfect for your brand as you continue growing and innovating.

Final Thoughts

With its use of AI technology and comprehensive set of features, Luigi’s Box offers a unique and simple way to improve your online store’s search functionality and user experience. You can get started without knowing how to code or using an IT department, allowing you to quickly boost your conversion rates.


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