QuickMail Review – The Good and Bad for 2023



Email isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Cold outreach via email can be the key to bringing in new sales, developing your business further, or just getting the word out about your endeavors. QuickMail is a leading solution in this space because of its scalability through inbox rotation, deliverability solutions, and actionable data and analytics. This provider understands that if your emails aren’t making it into people’s inboxes, then nothing else really matters.

QuickMail logo for Crazy Egg QuickMail review

QuickMail: The Good and the Bad

There’s a lot of capability built into this platform, so QuickMail can satisfy both simple and elaborate outreach needs. There are a few minor drawbacks to keep in mind, but we really don’t think they move the needle as much as QuickMail’s many virtues.

What QuickMail Is Good At

QuickMail has become a top choice for many businesses—and their sales teams, in particular—looking to automate their cold outreach via email and successfully manage their prospects as they scale. QuickMail has some unique features for deliverability and scaling—like inbox rotation—that place it among the top options in this category of software.


If you’re sending emails for cold outreach, priority number one is actually getting them into people’s inboxes (and not their spam folders). QuickMail is laser-focused on optimizing deliverability, with features that boost inbox placement at every stage.

One of its leading features is inbox rotation. QuickMail allows you to sequence campaigns from multiple email addresses you own to maintain good sender reputations. Even when you’re sending a ton of messages to a ton of different people, spam filters are avoided by spacing out mail volume between several senders.

Red arrows pointing out the delivered status of emails

The platform monitors the health of your connected inboxes in real time. Any sudden changes in spam test grades or blacklist status can be quickly addressed.

QuickMail also simplifies reverification of your contact lists before sending. The system automatically detects and cancels invalid addresses and ones that have bounced in the past. No more wasting emails on dead leads.

When sending messages during campaigns, QuickMail spaces emails by 30 seconds automatically to avoid spam triggers. And, by adding individuals or domains to QuickMail’s integrated opt-out list, you can prevent any future contact that would hurt your sender reputation.

Labels, workflows, and automation

QuickMail gives you immense flexibility to configure personalized outreach sequences tailored to your needs.

Use labels to manually categorize prospect replies and then create automation sequences using triggers based on those labels.

For example, set a label that applies to out-of-office responses (which can be detected automatically using QuickMail’s AI) to pause sending to those addresses. Or, label replies as qualified leads to trigger scheduling a call with your sales team.

Cold outreach interface in QuickMail with create new label button

Labels can be applied directly in QuickMail or via Gmail or Outlook integrations.

To build out sequences with label-based triggers, use QuickMail’s workflows to define if/then logic that dictates what happens when specified conditions are met. If a prospect clicks a certain link, you can adjust their score, create a task, start a new sequence, and more. The combinations are nearly endless.

Red arrows pointing to steps to set up sequences in QuickMail

One of QuickMail’s biggest strengths is its seamless integration with Google Sheets. Simply plug your prospect list into a spreadsheet, connect it to QuickMail, write your outreach templates, and let automation take over. New contacts can flow in automatically from the Sheet.

And, with webhooks, you get real-time monitoring of opens, clicks, and other events across accounts for instant insight.

These features work together to enable functionality like:

  • Starting new sequences when high value activities occur, like opening an email
  • Scheduling tasks for follow up based on prospect engagement
  • Automatically importing and verifying new prospects on a schedule
  • Scoring leads based on interactions to prioritize outreach
  • Applying cadence rules unique to each prospect

On top of that, this suite of tools makes it easy to customize and personalize your outreach for better engagement and higher conversion rates.

Leverage attributes and labels from your prospect list to insert personalized variables throughout your email templates, allowing you to tailor subject lines, greetings, in-message content, and CTAs to make prospects feel valued as individuals.

Meanwhile, condition-based sending allows you to adapt sequences based on past engagement metrics and attributes such as role and interests.

QuickMail makes it incredibly easy to put your cold outreach on autopilot. With just a few minutes of configuration, you can automate sends, contact list importing and exporting, Slack and text message alerts, handoffs, and a lot more.


QuickMail is designed to grow with your business and email volume without sacrificing deliverability. No matter how large your outreach scales, the platform is able to handle your increasing needs.

A key advantage is QuickMail’s ability to add multiple inboxes to a single campaign with one click. Most tools force you to clone campaigns and replace inboxes in order to scale, harming your deliverability over time.

But, with QuickMail, you can simply designate additional inboxes to balance and distribute the load.

Add inbox page in QuickMail interface

This scale-by-inboxes approach allows you to exponentially increase daily sends and your overall reach. QuickMail will automatically balance volume across new inboxes as you add them.

On every QuickMail plan, you get access to deliverability experts who monitor your account and provide guidance as you grow for added assistance as you scale your efforts.

As your prospect list grows to tens of thousands of prospects or more, QuickMail won’t miss a beat. The platform’s robust deliverability protections and scalable architecture ensure your emails will continue reaching the inboxes that matter to you.

Easy split testing implementation

Making changes to improve campaign results is far less tedious in QuickMail than other platforms.

With most tools, you have to completely duplicate campaigns and replace inboxes to test variations. This creates organizational headaches when applying edits or running A/B tests. It’s also easy for things to fall through cracks and cause inconsistencies.

QuickMail lets you easily set up variations and push changes made to email content, triggers, or sequences in your campaign. You can also pause variants when you’ve gathered enough information to know whether or not they’re working.

Email variation example in QuickMail

There’s no need to manually propagate modifications or new split test versions. You can iterate on a single campaign with ease.

This streamlined process reduces friction during optimization testing. Want to tweak an email subject line or try two different call-to-action phrases? Just make the change once in QuickMail rather than across multiple clones.

No more wasted time meticulously updating duplicate campaigns or wondering if an A/B test variation got properly implemented everywhere. QuickMail’s unified approach ensures consistency as you perfect your messaging and strategy.

Collaborative contact management

Another way QuickMail really shines is how well-equipped it is to handle the administration, organization, and use of your contact lists, in addition to enabling your email campaigns.

First, its Opportunities feature gives you a single place to track prospect engagement, no matter how many inboxes you use or how many teammates are involved. See all replies and messages with a lead, plus notes, scheduled meetings, shared files, and associated tasks in one thread.

Contact management in an email to show how to track prospects

You’ll get complete context on where you stand with each contact, even if multiple agents are interacting with the same contact from different email addresses. The platform also keeps all assigned opportunities visible, so it’s easy to monitor activity and ensure no leads slip through cracks.

Contact management is enhanced by seamless integrations with HubSpot and Pipedrive, as well as alternate outreach channels like Aircall and Twilio. Other integrations, like Calendly for appointment booking and Slack for team communication, help foster better collaboration among your team members.

The Calendly integration makes it easy to stop outreach as soon as a lead books an appointment with one of your reps. And, of course, syncing QuickMail with Slack keeps everyone up to speed on who or what needs attention at any given moment.

Additionally, on the collaboration and productivity front, QuickMail lets you add unlimited teammates at no extra cost to get work done faster and cover more bases as you scale.

Assign specific replies to the right rep, gain visibility into individual and team performance with QuickMail’s audit log, and work together securely knowing admins exclusively control billing and permissions. Sensitive campaigns can also be set to private, so there are no concerns about oversharing access.

Helpful support and resources

QuickMail is renowned for providing exceptional customer support that goes the extra mile to solve users’ problems. Rather than defaulting to templated responses or basic troubleshooting scripts, QuickMail’s support agents take the time to understand your unique needs. They work collaboratively to find creative solutions tailored to your workflows and objectives.

No matter how unconventional your use case, QuickMail’s experts dive in to help get your campaigns running smoothly. Reviews rave that the brand’s support team is patient, thoughtful, and determined to enable your success.

While most queries are handled in less than a day, highly complex issues may require additional troubleshooting. But QuickMail’s priority is always resolving the root cause, not just closing tickets fast.

QuickMail also provides an impressive collection of resources to help users master cold email outreach and get the most from the platform. From blogs and podcasts covering best practices to full training courses on email deliverability and even starting your own agency from scratch, there are many ways to stay informed and improve your knowledge and skills.

The blog alone contains hundreds of in-depth articles covering email tips and trends, mistakes to avoid, subject line optimization, personalization guidance, workflow creation, and more. It’s regularly updated with fresh insights from industry experts.

QuickMail’s email newsletter condenses the latest learnings into a weekly digest. Subscribing also gets you access to their Ultimate Cold Email CTA Swipe File, with 98 proven call-to-action examples.

Actionable metrics

QuickMail provides detailed performance metrics and insights to help optimize your outreach. You’ll see the usual stats, like open, click, bounce, and reply rates, but this platform goes a level deeper with metrics like:

  • Removal of false opens/clicks
  • Sentiment analysis
  • Meetings booked
  • Opportunities created
  • Closed deals

QuickMail will segment data by campaign for you, too, so you don’t have to manually compile data or worry about missing insights. And every QuickMail account includes an audit log tracking all platform activity for easy reference to validate or verify how certain actions created your campaign results.

QuickMail’s Potential Drawbacks

QuickMail can do a lot. Thus, it can be a bit intimidating to new users, even if they’re well-versed in comparable platforms. On top of that, we were disappointed that a popular offering was recently discontinued. However, these drawbacks may not be deal-breakers for you when compared to the many good aspects of the software covered above.

Steep learning curve

Based on the many user reviews we pored over, a common pain point with QuickMail seems to be its steep learning curve. The platform is powerful, but it may not be the most intuitive for beginners, especially during initial setup.

Many reviewers cited the difficulty of understanding what was included in menu sections like Buckets and Journeys when first getting started. QuickMail appears to use some unique terminology that will take a bit of time to wrap your head around. That means a ramp up period for experienced users of similar software, as well as novices.

Creating complex automated workflows with attributes, tags, and scheduling rules naturally requires an investment of time to set up correctly. Additionally, some users felt the UI overall was not as polished or user-friendly as expected. Navigating between different features and menus is not always straightforward. The interface could be more cohesive and streamlined.

Users looking for a product on which they can start sending campaigns immediately may find QuickMail’s onboarding more difficult or lengthy than anticipated. However, that’s often the case for platforms as powerful and customizable as this one.

No free version

Not too long ago, QuickMail offered a Lite version of its platform that was free to use forever. However, it has since been discontinued. The plan allowed users to send 3,000 emails per month, giving early-stage businesses and smaller teams the ability to run campaigns on a budget. It also included storage for 1,000 prospects, providing ample room to build your initial outreach list.

Existing QuickMail users can still downgrade to the free Lite plan, but new users will not be able to opt for it on their accounts.

This is disappointing, as free plans can be tremendously useful for new users to evaluate a product prior to paying. For entrepreneurs and small teams, this free offering was an appealing entry point to access core QuickMail functionality without an initial financial commitment.

Currently, the only free option is the 14-day trial period that comes on all QuickMail plans. That requires entering credit card information up front, which may deter some people.

Lackluster social media presence

After reviewing QuickMail’s social media channels, it appears its presence and activity levels are quite limited compared to other leading emailing platforms. While a few channels are still active, there is significant room for improvement.

Its YouTube channel is regularly updated with new videos, however these are just repurposed clips from the QuickMail podcast rather than unique content. The videos provide useful information but lack production polish.

Facebook has been neglected, with no new posts from the QuickMail page since early 2022. All previous posts simply linked back to podcast episodes rather than delivering uniquely valuable content.

QuickMail Facebook page

On Twitter, QuickMail has a moderately active presence responding to customers and sharing news. Still, the frequency and wider applicability of tweets could improve.

QuickMail seems focused on its podcast and knowledge base for educating users rather than diversifying its knowledge sharing across social platforms. While the podcast and help documentation are strong, investing more in social engagement could significantly expand the brand’s audience reach and brand visibility.

QuickMail Plans and Pricing

With QuickMail, you can choose between three paid plans, each of which offer a 14-day free trial period. Successively higher priced plans unlock higher allotments for monthly emails and active prospects, plus select features.

QuickMail plans with three options shown


QuickMail’s Basic plan provides a solid starting point for teams looking to automate their email-based cold outreach and followups. Priced at $49 per month, it delivers all the software’s core capabilities to engage and close more prospects.

This plan allows for sending up to 30,000 emails each month and you can store data on up to 10,000 active prospects to build a robust pipeline. You’re also allowed usage of up to 10 email addresses. And there are no limits on how many team members you can bring on board.

Key features that come on Basic include AI-powered reply handling for immediate and automated responses to interested prospects, blacklist monitoring to protect your sender reputation, and Zapier-based integration with other software platforms.

Plus, QuickMail’s renowned customer service is included to help you optimize and take full advantage of the platform.

For getting started with personalized email sequences, lead nurturing, and tracking engagement, QuickMail’s Basic plan provides an affordable way to lay the foundation. You get ample volume and seats plus crucial automation capabilities.


The Pro plan from QuickMail is geared towards larger teams running high-volume outreach and seeking deeper CRM connectivity.

This tier raises your monthly email allotment to 100,000 and the total number of active contacts to 50,000. You get plenty of room for ambitious, elaborate outreach campaigns for $89 per month.

Key additions here are the ability to use native integrations with two of the top CRMs out there, HubSpot and Pipedrive, plus the advanced campaign and contact behavior analytics we mentioned earlier in this post.

You also raise the number of email addresses you can use to 50. Combined with unlimited team members, this lets you cover large departments or groups of sales reps that are handling massive outreach efforts. And, you’re still getting all the automation and workflow features from Basic, so you can set aspects of your campaigns on autopilot.

With ample emails and seats, built-in syncing with your CRM, and more, the Pro plan enables larger teams to excel at cold outreach.


QuickMail’s Expert plan is designed for enterprise teams running sophisticated campaigns. Priced at $129 per month, it adds API access and advanced AI tools to take your efforts to the next level.

You get 300,000 emails per month and data storage for up to 100,000 contacts, plus room for up to 100 email addresses. With these allotments, you can coordinate incredibly large outreach initiatives.

Advanced analytics let you get granular insight into the performance of each campaign and sequence, no matter how large your outreach might scale, while conversion tracking provides a clear picture of your true ROI.

The Expert tier also unlocks AI sub-campaigns, enabling you to automatically enroll prospects into targeted follow-up journeys based on attributes and engagement. Get hyper-personal with leads at scale.

For sales teams at large enterprises, QuickMail’s Expert plan delivers the tools, capacity, and intelligence to execute at the highest level.

Final Thoughts

Based on the features and pricing of QuickMail’s plans, we think it is one of the go-to options for cold email outreach. Sales teams, business development representatives, and entrepreneurs who need to send emails at scale will find QuickMail to be an excellent choice.

While we have some minor quibbles with it, the amount of control and assistance you get on your email campaigns with QuickMail far outweighs the annoyances of lengthy onboarding and the lack of a free-forever plan. Plus, you can still take advantage of a 14-day free trial of any QuickMail plan to make sure it will work well for your needs.


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