merchant panels and integration with 3rd party payment providers.



Nowadays, e-commerce is a powerhouse of economic activity. As more businesses move their operations online, having a robust payment gateway becomes crucial for success.

However, it’s not enough to simply have a payment gateway in place. To truly excel in the world of e-commerce, you need to use the full potential of your payment gateway through the effective use of merchant panels.

In this article, we’ll dive into the world of payment gateways, explore their inner workings, discuss third-party payment integrations, and even touch on the possibility of building a custom gateway to suit your unique needs.

What is a Payment Gateway?

A payment gateway is a technology that allows online businesses to securely process electronic transactions and help customers make purchases and complete online payments over the Internet.

What is a Payment Gateway?

It acts as the middleman between the buyer’s payment source (such as a credit card) and the seller’s bank account, guaranteeing the secure transfer of funds.

Key Features of a Payment Gateway:

  • Data Encryption: Payment gateways use encryption protocols to safeguard sensitive customer information during transmission and reduce the risk of data breaches.
  • Real-time Processing: Payment gateways instantly process transactions and provide customers with immediate feedback and merchants with efficient order processing.
  • Website Integration: Payment gateways smoothly integrate with the merchant’s website and offer a seamless shopping experience for customers.
  • Payment Method Support: A good payment gateway supports multiple payment methods and caters to a broad range of customer preferences.

How Payment Processing Works

Payment processing through a payment gateway involves a series of steps:

  • Customer Initiates Payment: The process begins when a buyer chooses products or services on the seller’s website and goes to the checkout page. This initial decision triggers the transaction journey.
  • Secure Data Transmission: Once the customer is ready to pay, the payment gateway comes into play. The payment gateway encrypts the customer’s payment information, which typically includes credit card details, to guarantee the confidentiality and security of this sensitive data.
  • Transaction Authorization: The encrypted payment data is transmitted from the payment gateway to a payment processor. This processor acts as an intermediary, forwarding the payment information to the relevant financial institutions, such as the merchant’s bank.
  • Authorization Response: Financial institutions, having received a payment request, immediately consider it for authorization. They assess factors like fund availability, transaction legitimacy, and conduct various security checks. This authorization response is then sent back through the payment processor and the payment gateway to the merchant.
  • Transaction Completion: If the transaction is approved, the payment is successfully transferred from the buyer’s account to the seller’s account. Additionally, a customer receives a confirmation message, affirming the completion of the payment process and the successful purchase of the chosen products or services.
  • Advantages of Third-Party Payment Integration

    While payment gateways offer core functionality for processing payments, integrating third-party payment providers can expand the capabilities of your payment processing system.

    Advantages of Third-Party Payment Integration

    Third-party payment providers offer specialized services, alternative payment methods, and international payment options that can improve your e-commerce reach and improve customer satisfaction.

    Here is a detailed overview of the advantages you can enjoy with this integration:

    • Diverse Payment Options: Third-party providers offer a wide range of payment methods, including digital wallets (e.g., PayPal, Apple Pay), cryptocurrencies, and local payment systems, allowing customers to choose their preferred option.
    • Global Reach: By integrating with international payment providers, you can tap into new markets and accept payments from customers around the world.
    • Reduced Friction: Offering multiple payment methods minimizes checkout friction and leads to higher conversion rates and pleased customers.
    • Specialized Services: Some third-party providers offer specialized services, such as subscription billing or fraudulent transactions prevention, which can improve your e-commerce operations.

    How to Build a Custom Gateway?

    Building a custom payment gateway is a tough undertaking that requires a good understanding of payment processing, security protocols, and compliance with industry standards.

    It’s essential to consider such factors as data security, regulatory compliance, and scalability when developing a custom eCommerce solution.


    Security is important when you deal with financial transactions and sensitive customer data. Apply strong encryption protocols to shield customer data during transmission.

    Comply with industry standards, such as Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), to guarantee the highest level of data security.

    Regular security checks and vulnerability audits are vital to identify and address potential threats.


    Design the custom gateway to be scalable and capable of handling increased transaction volumes as your business grows.

    A payment gateway must be able to support the growth of your customer base, especially during peak periods, without compromising performance or security.

    Scalability guarantees that your payment system remains reliable and responsive, regardless of the number of transactions it processes.


    Stay up-to-date with relevant regulations and compliance requirements in the payment industry.

    Different regions and payment methods may have specific legal and regulatory standards that your custom gateway must adhere to.

    Compliance provides a smooth and legally sound payment process and helps avoid potential legal issues that can arise from non-compliance.


    Make sure that your custom payment gateway can integrate with your ecommerce platform, website, and other systems within your business.

    Compatibility with popular e-commerce platforms and APIs is crucial for a smooth user experience. This payment gateway integration capability improves the overall customer journey by providing a transition from product selection to payment completion.

    Payment Method Diversity

    Consider the diversity of payment methods that your custom gateway can support.

    Providing customers with a variety of payment options, such as credit cards, digital wallets, and alternative payment methods, improves the convenience and satisfaction of your customers.

    A wide range of supported payment methods can attract a larger customer base, particularly in global markets.

    Reliability and Uptime

    A custom payment gateway must be very reliable and have minimal downtime. Any interruptions in payment processing can lead to dissatisfied customers, missed sales, and damage to your business image.

    Implement redundancy measures, failover systems, and regular performance monitoring to ensure consistent uptime.

    User Experience

    A smooth and intuitive user experience is essential for customer satisfaction. The custom payment gateway should be made with simplicity and efficiency in mind.

    Clear and user-friendly interfaces for both customers and merchants, along with comprehensive error handling, can significantly enhance the overall user experience.


    In the world of e-commerce, a powerful payment gateway is a critical part of business success. It provides secure and quick payment processing and offers customers the confidence to make purchases on your website.

    By integrating with third-party payment providers and using merchant panels, you can open the full potential of your payment gateway, provide a wide range of payment options, and enhance the overall e-commerce experience for your customers.

    Want to open the full potential of your e-commerce success with a robust and secure payment gateway? Contact SCAND – a leading software development company – to improve your customer experience, boost conversions, and drive digital growth.


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