User Onboarding Vs Customer Onboarding



User onboarding and customer onboarding are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same thing. In fact, many people are unaware of the differences between the two and the potential problems that can arise as a result.

Not understanding the differences between these two types of onboarding can lead to confusion, miscommunication, and, ultimately, a poor user or customer experience. But once you understand the distinction, it can significantly impact your work life, as you’ll be able to tailor your onboarding approach to your audience, ensuring that they have the best possible experience and are set up for success with your product or brand.

In this blog post, we’ll dive deeper into the differences between user onboarding and customer onboarding and explore why understanding the distinction is crucial for businesses. We’ll also discuss how knowing the difference can help you tailor your approach to each audience and ensure a seamless onboarding experience that sets your users and customers up for success.

Who is a User?


As a SaaS business founder, understanding who your users are is crucial to developing an effective onboarding process. Users are the individuals who interact with your product on a day-to-day basis, and they play a key role in determining the success of your product.

When it comes to SaaS products, users can come from a variety of backgrounds and have different motivations for exploring your product. For example, a user might be looking for a tool to help them manage their workflow, collaborate with team members, or automate certain tasks. Understanding the needs and motivations of your users is essential to delivering an onboarding experience that meets their expectations and encourages them to keep using your product.

It’s worth noting that not all users are the same. Some users might be casual users who only use your product occasionally, while others might be power users who rely on your product for their day-to-day work. This is why it’s important to tailor your onboarding process to the different types of users you have.

Additionally, it’s important to remember that users are not necessarily customers. While customers are the individuals who are paying for your product, users are the individuals who are using it. Providing a positive user onboarding experience is essential to encouraging users to become paying customers, but it’s also important to provide a positive customer onboarding experience to ensure that your customers are satisfied with their decision to use your product.

Ultimately, understanding who your users are and what motivates them is crucial to developing an onboarding process that meets their needs and encourages them to keep using your product. By focusing on delivering a positive user onboarding experience, you can set your users up for success and ensure the long-term success of your product.

Who is a Customer?


A customer is someone who has made the decision to pay for your product or service. They understand the value of your product and want to get the most out of it by avoiding roadblocks.

Ideally, free trial users will eventually become paying customers after experiencing the benefits promised by your application. Once they become a customer, they want to maximize the benefits of the product and expect to be directed regularly to keep them going without any hiccups.

However, in cases where you don’t offer a trial, new customers won’t have gone through the user phase. In such cases, it’s important to provide a product walkthrough upfront, followed by a series of relevant training to make them comfortable with your product as soon as possible to avoid churn.

After the financial transaction, it’s up to you to exceed the customer’s expectations by providing the necessary guidance at every touchpoint in their customer journey. This includes bringing them up to speed and driving them towards excellence, as it will help them reap the rewards of using your application in no time.

What is User Onboarding? And What is Customer Onboarding?

User onboarding and customer onboarding are two critical processes for any SaaS business. Let’s see what they mean, with examples.

User onboarding is the process of getting new users familiar with your product or service, ensuring they can easily navigate and use its features. It’s all about making a great first impression and helping users get started with your product.

For example, let’s say you have a project management tool. Your user onboarding process might include a welcome email that provides an overview of the features, a product tour that guides users through the different sections of the tool, and interactive tutorials that show users how to create a project and assign tasks. The goal of user onboarding is to help users understand the value of your product and get them to their “aha” moment as quickly as possible.

On the other hand, customer onboarding is the process of introducing new customers to your brand, building a relationship with them, and setting expectations for the experience they can expect to have. It’s all about making sure your customers are successful and satisfied with their decision to use your product.

For example, let’s say you have a customer relationship management tool. Your customer onboarding process might include a personalized welcome email from a customer success manager, a call to introduce them to the platform and the various features that can benefit their business, and a series of follow-up training sessions or check-ins to ensure they are making the most of your product. The goal of customer onboarding is to ensure that customers are getting the most out of your product and are set up for long-term success.

In summary, user onboarding and customer onboarding are two different but equally important processes for SaaS businesses. User onboarding focuses on getting users up to speed with your product, while customer onboarding focuses on building a relationship with your customers and ensuring their long-term success. By tailoring your onboarding approach to each audience, you can provide a more personalized and effective experience that sets them up for success with your product or brand.

Key Differences Between User Onboarding and Customer Onboarding

User onboarding and customer onboarding have distinct differences in terms of timing, goals, audience, methods, metrics, and benefits. Let’s see some of these differences in the table below:


User Onboarding

Customer Onboarding


The process of familiarizing new users with your product or service, ensuring they can easily navigate and use its features.

The process of introducing new customers to your brand, building a relationship with them, and setting expectations for their experience.

Key focus

Helping users understand how to use your product and get to their “aha” moment as quickly as possible.

Ensuring customers are satisfied and successful with your product, and providing personalized support and guidance throughout their customer journey.


Typically begins during the sign-up process and continues through the first few interactions with the product.

Begins after a customer has made the decision to pay for your product, and continues throughout their customer journey.


New users who are not yet paying customers.

Paying customers who have made an investment in your product.


Provide a positive first experience with your product and encourage users to become paying customers.

Build a relationship with customers, ensure their success, and encourage loyalty and advocacy.


Welcome emails, product tours, interactive tutorials, etc.

Personalized welcome emails, calls, training sessions, and ongoing support and guidance.

Key metrics

Activation rate, time to first success, user engagement.

Customer retention rate, customer satisfaction, customer lifetime value.

Key benefits

Encourages users to become paying customers, improves user satisfaction, reduces churn rate.

Builds loyalty and advocacy, increases customer retention, drives revenue growth, and strengthens brand reputation.

Key Metrics for User Onboarding and Customer Onboarding

To ensure the success of these processes, it is important for SaaS companies to track specific metrics that can help them understand how well their onboarding efforts are working.

For user onboarding, some key metrics that are typically tracked include:

  • Activation rate – the percentage of new users who successfully complete the onboarding process and become active users of the product.
  • Time to first success – the amount of time it takes for users to achieve their first successful outcome with the product.
  • User engagement – the level of interaction and usage of the product by the users.
  • Tracking these metrics helps companies to identify areas of the onboarding process that might be causing users to drop off or become disengaged. By improving the onboarding experience and addressing any roadblocks, companies can increase user activation rates and reduce churn.

    For customer onboarding, some key metrics that are typically tracked include:

  • Customer retention rate – the percentage of customers who continue to use the product over time.
  • Customer satisfaction – the level of satisfaction that customers have with the product and the onboarding experience.
  • Customer lifetime value – the total value that a customer brings to the business over the course of their relationship with the product.

    Tracking these metrics helps companies to identify areas where customers might be struggling or becoming disengaged, and to address these issues before they lead to churn. By improving the customer onboarding experience and providing ongoing support and guidance, companies can increase customer retention rates and lifetime value.

    Final Thoughts

    Understanding the differences between user onboarding and customer onboarding is essential for any SaaS business that wants to drive growth and improve customer satisfaction. While both processes are critical for success, they serve different purposes and require different approaches.

    If you are looking to create the best onboarding experience for your users and customers, Inturact can help.

    Inturact is a leading provider of onboarding solutions for B2B SaaS products. With a proven track record of helping companies improve user activation and retention, our platform offers a range of tools and services designed to optimize your onboarding process and drive long-term growth.

    Our team of onboarding experts is dedicated to helping you create a personalized onboarding experience that engages users and drives them towards success with your product. We offer a range of services, from reviewing and optimizing your entire onboarding journey to creating custom onboarding experiences that are tailored to your unique needs.

    Whether you’re looking to increase user activation, reduce churn, or drive revenue growth, Inturact can help. With our proven onboarding solutions and experienced team of experts, you can rest assured that you’re in good hands. So why wait? Contact us today.



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