What You Need To Know



GreenGeeks intends to deprecate the Horde Webmail Client during the week of November 28th, 2022. To help you with this transition, we’re offering some information to help shed light on the process.

If you have further questions, feel free to contact us.

How does this affect my GreenGeeks service?

Once deprecated, you will no longer be able to access the Horde Webmail Client in cPanel, or direct Webmail login.

Why is Horde Webmail being deprecated?

The Horde Webmail client is scheduled for deprecation because it is no longer under active development. This means the developers are no longer offering updates to meet future needs.

There have been no STABLE releases of Horde for more than five years. As the software depends on PHP 7.4, which will reach its End of Life in November, there are no guarantees Horde will be either functional or safe for the foreseeable future.

Why is it dangerous to use End of Life version of PHP?

Each release branch of PHP gets support for two years from its initial stable release. During that period, bugs and security issues are fixed and released in regular point releases.

Once a branch reaches the End of Life, no further support is provided, This includes updates for critical security issues.

Thus using an End of Life PHP means there may be known bugs at the PHP level that will never be fixed and may leave your site vulnerable.

What will happen to the data I have in Horde webmail?

Once deprecated, all data currently in Horde, such as contact lists or calendars, will be automatically converted and imported into the Roundcube Webmail client.

This is automatic, so, no action is necessary on your part.

How do I export the data I have in Horde before deprecation?

Although any Horde data will be converted to Roundcube format automatically, GreenGeeks strongly recommends creating individual data exports for anything important.

From inside the Horde Webmail, you can export any email, contacts, or calendar data for import into Outlook, Roundcube, or another local mail client.

Where can I find more information about the Horde Webmail deprecation?

For more information about the Horde deprecation, please refer to the following link:



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